Fish Pro Co

FishPro Tips

Tips from FishProCo owner Malik Wilder

Malik Wilder is a certified fishing instructor who’s taken his passion of fishing and began teaching various fishing techniques to kids. Here’s Malik’s FishProCo tips to teach kids how to be successful anglers when fishing.

Fishing with Kids Pro Tips:

  1. Identify the basic pieces of fishing equipment by the proper name and its purpose. Start with rods and reels sizes that are comfortable for the child’s size. Teach them the about the different Fishing Rods •Types • Parts, Reels •Types, Line •Types, Hooks •Types • Size,  Sinkers •Types • Size, Terminal Tackle •Types • Size. Be sure to purchase fishing rod and reel combos based on your child’s height.  The rod shouldn’t be longer than six inches of your child’s height. Use a push-button reel model to provide your child with full control of the line when learning how to cast. Use light weight pound test lines, light weight sinkers and small hooks.
  1. Rod and Reel set up: Teach them how to applying fishing line to a reel and lining up your fishing rod. Show them how to apply a knot directly to a reel properly to be able to fill up the spool with enough line. Then show them how to line up a fishing rod properly to be able to cast. Teach them how to fish from land instead of using a boat –Fishing takes patience. Patience may run out and the kids may not pay attention for long periods of time. Kids may get bored so when fishing from land, you can allow them to run and play then come back and continue fishing.
  2. Staying Organized; Purchase a Tackle Box: Organizing a tackle box with hooks, line, sinkers, bobbers, lures, rigs, hardware and first aid kit. Every lesson is a hand’s on experience. Provide clear instructions and allow them to do as much as possible without you physically helping. Teach and coach them to do it on their own. The excitement is the achievement of completing the task.
  3. Preparing the hook-demonstration with artificial baits. Teach them how to apply bait onto a hook to catch a fish. Fish with live bait instead of artificial lures –Live minnows or worms are perfect baits. Both can keep kid’s attention until they catch a fish. Once kids understand how to use live bait they are ready for artificial lures like rubber worms and spinners baits. Artificial baits are easy to use, and they catch fish.
  4. Setting the Hook – Setting the hook means to pull the tip of the hook into the fish’s jaw when it bites the bait so the fish will be secured to reel in. Limit your kill, practice catch & release if you are not going to consume the fish. Make sure to teach about Parts of a Fish External to keep them and the fish safe. – The dorsal fin is on the back of the fish and helps keep it upright when swimming. – The anal fin is on the rear portion of the belly and helps the fish move in tight places and also helps it keep its balance. – Pectoral fins is on each side of a fish’s body just behind its gills and helps the fish remain in one place and to dive or swim to the surface – Pelvic fins are on the forward part of the belly and help the fish stay in position and keep balanced – The caudal fin (tale) helps the fish move and largely determines a fish’s speed and maneuverability.

Bonus Tip: Layer Up; Always pack a change of clothes in case the weather changes. The temperature is always cooler near the water and if you get wet or cold, you can change into some dry and warm clothing. Try to wear proper eye glasses like polarized sunglasses and hats along with sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun and flying objects like hooks when casting.